The research area at the Faculty Day for Social Sciences
Maria Schreiber presents the poster of the research area
Art historian Margarethe Szeless and spokesperson Roswitha Breckner
On the 24th of September 2015, the research group represented its activities at the Faculty Day of Social Sciences in form of a poster exhibition as well as in the programme.
Workshop: Visual Understanding – Approaches towards the interpretation of images
At the Department of Sociology experts of visual sociology presented a variety of analytic strategies and invited their audience to apply them with examples.
Lecture on political visual strategies of the’ Islamic State’
At the Department of Political Sciences experts of visual politics analysed various strategies of the terror militia ‘Islamic State’ and discussed the distribution of terrorist propaganda in social networks as well as by mainstream media with participants.
Workshop Visual Anthropology
At the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, experts of visual studies invited participants to explore technical equipment and video editing.
We thank Benjamin Fillitz for designing the poster of the ‘Visual Studies’ research group and the Faculty of Social Sciences for printing the poster and the programming.